Children should only be on school grounds when properly supervised. We strongly urge you to see that your child arrives to school no earlier than 8:10 unless to attend FREE breakfast in the school cafeteria starting at 7:30 a.m. For security reasons, all parents/adults of VPK students must provide a valid form of identification to obtain a pass to enter the school grounds to escort and remain with the student to the cafeteria.
School begins promptly at 8:20 a.m. for Pre-K through 1st Grade and 8:35 a.m. for 2nd through 5th grades. In order to assist our students’ development of independence and maturity, it is mandatory for all students to report to their designated area for morning line up. The parents of students in our Pre-K SPED program will remain with the student until the teacher/paraprofessional arrives to walk the student to the classroom.